Ballyoulster United AFC

Founded 1968

Co. Kildare

Committee/Sub Committees

Every football club is goverened by a committee. The role of the committee is to make decisions for the club, and to take care of the day to day running of the club. It is made up of a group of volunteers, who generously give their time to assist with all decisions relating to the club, it's growth, it's future and everything in between. 

Our Main Committee is made up of the following:

Chairperson - Joe Joyce

Treasurer - Kerry

Club Secretary - Debbie

DDSL Secretary - Paul O'Hehir

Trustees - Ted & Tony

Committee Members: Damien, Paul, Mark, Derek (Pops), Roza, Cathy, Fio, Evin.


Executive Committee

Chairperson - Joe

Treasurer -Kerry

Club Secretary - Debbie


We now also have 5 sub committees, who were put together to look after specific areas within the club, they are;


Football Committee:

Director of Football - Gavin

DDSL Secretary - Paul O'Hehir

Secretary of Girls Section - Cathy

Managers/Coaches - Fio, Pops, Roza & Paul


Finance Committee:

Treasurer - Kerry

DDSL Secretary - Paul O'Hehir

Trustee : Tony


Fundraising & Events:

Club Secretary - Debbie

Treasurer - Kerry

Secretary of Girls Section - Cathy

Managers/Coaches - Damien & Roza


Governance Committee:

Club Secretary - Debbie

Club Child Officer - Evin

Child Welfare Officer - Melissa


*If you wish to volunteer on our committee, please get in touch with anyone above who can guide you. *


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